“Medicines for Children’s safe: challenges and opportunities”: this was the title of the 8th A.It.U.N. annual meeting that took place in Pavia, 6-7th March 2014.
The aim of this meeting was to discuss the problems related to the paediatric medicines from different points of view: the hospital pharmacy perspective with the need of everyday extemporary formulations and parenteral nutrition, the clinical aspects and the necessity of planning suitable clinical trials to collect enough data, and the formulative issues focused on preparing safe and compliant medicines. From a pharmaceutical technology point of view, the main problem is the lack of both specific formulations and enough data demonstrating the safety and the efficacy of medicines used in pediatry.
The meeting was organized in two days: after welcome remarks by A.It.U.N. Chair (Barbara Colzani), A.It.U.N. Faculty advisor (Ida Genta), vice director of Department of Drug Sciences of University of Pavia (Marco Racchi) and CRS Italy Chapter president (Bice Conti), the meeting started with the speech of Laura Mangiarini focused on regulatory approaches for the approval of new paediatric formulations. The following speeches dealt with hospital pharmacy practice, hold by Daniela Paganotti (Spedali Civili, Brescia) and Paola Barabino (Ospedale Gaslini, Genova).
The following day was opened by Nicola Ruperto, co-founder of PRINTO Network, a system that coordinates different European hospitals involved in paediatric clinical trials. The meeting went deeper into formulations with Francesca Baratta, expert in galenic products for developing countries, and two international speakers: Catrin Barker, hospital pharmacist in Liverpool involved in MODRIC study (Manipulation of Drugs Required in Children), and Smita Salunke, EUpFI scientists and coordinator of STEP database (Safety and Toxicity of Excipients for Paediatrics). Next, pharmacovigilance aspects were discussed by AIFA expert, Francesco Trotta, and the industry approach was described by Paolo Gatti (Aptalis). The meeting finished with a roundtable titled “Focusing group on critical topics: Parenteral nutrition, hospital-territory continuity and safety in medicinal use” involving Valeria Valentini (Fondazione Macchi, Varese), Antonella Giannini (ASL MI 1) and Tiziana Modena with DoctorSafim project.
The invited speakers speeches were mixed with 5 oral presentations selected among 31 abstracts submitted for the meeting by almost 70 participants. In addition, 3 best poster awards were given according to speakers’ evaluation.
The meeting was organized by A.It.U.N. roster (Barbara Colzani-chair, Anna Trotter-treasurer, Umberto M. Musazzi-Chair elect, Viriginia Campani-secretary, Laura Ravani-vice chair) thanks to TEFARCO Innova, ECM Office-University of Pavia, Department of Drug Sciences-University of Pavia, ADRITELF, Merck Millipore, Buchi and Ghiaroni for sponsoring the event.
Thank you everyone for coming!
See you next year in Milan!